Ninety-three percent humidity, over eighty degrees already... it's not a pleasant morning coffee muses.
No clouds obstruct the seamless blue of the summer sky on this morning coffee muses.
It's perfect grass growing season, hot and humid with weekly showers... July's first morning coffee muses.
Condensation on my glasses, condensation on my tablet... just another summer morning coffee muses.
It feels cooler, which means it's probably not quite as humid... for this end of week, almost end of month morning coffee muses.
It's cool in front of the floor fan, the wind chill effect, on this morning coffee muses.
Once again, condensation is on the windows for another morning coffee muses.
Oppressive humidity to start this morning coffee muses.
It feels a tad cooler today, no condensation on the windows either... a Monday morning coffee muses.
The humidity is down, but it's still warm and sticky out, on this dragonfly filled morning coffee muses.
High humidity, but, not as warm for this sunny weekend morning coffee muses.
Ridiculous humidity, bright and sunny between scattered clouds, it'll be a miserable Deere meditations day... morning coffee muses.
There's a lite rain falling, thunder rumbling in the distance, on this morning coffee muses.
Overcast and muggy, breezy but warm, mid-eighties already for my morning coffee muses.
Warm and muggy, tropical air, no cooling rains... a gulf coast morning coffee muses.
Cool, wet, the rain comes and goes, never completely stopping, morning coffee muses.
Clouds moving in, dark with the threat of rain... Father's Day morning coffee muses.
A light rain falling as I walk out, the forecast is a wet one, but the sun is shining on my morning coffee muses.
Stormy, thunderous, blowing rain dampening my chair... morning coffee muses.
Blue skies and warm, no rains in sight, morning coffee muses.
Warmer with big clouds, it's grass growing weather for this morning coffee muses.
Breezy, warm, and humid... an almost perfect summer's morning coffee muses.
Overcast with high clouds, it doesn't seem to cool anything for this morning coffee muses.
Eighty percent humidity and mid-seventies, dragonflies and cicadas, a summer's morning coffee muses.
A sunny and bright and warm summer's morning coffee muses.
The humidity seems less on this blue sky morning coffee muses.
Summer has settled in to stay, and I'll be settling inside for more of my morning coffee muses.
Cicadas singing the sun up on this morning coffee muses.
Just another warm and humid summertime morning coffee muses.
Warm, overcast, and humid start to my morning coffee muses.