Friday, June twenty-ninth

It feels cooler, which means it’s probably not quite as humid… for this end of week, almost end of month morning coffee muses.

I hope to be able to get my Deere meditations in today with out much trouble. Yesterday’s twenty percent chance of rain ended up being off and on rain showers for much of the day.

I’m out early this morning. The cattle egrets are patrolling. The cicadas are buzzing. Blue jays are jaying. Cardinals are singing.

Off in the distance a hotrod truck is roaring away from a stoplight.

Cattle egrets are such goofy little big birds as they amble across the yard, head bobbing back and forward. But, when they are on the wing, soaring in for a landing, nothing looks more graceful.

The first bird on the feeder today was a chickadee.

I finished my email and checked my newsfeed before coming inside for a second cup of coffee. The news of the day is just as screwed up as it’s been for a year and a half now.

Hopefully, America will survive Trump’s attempt to make Russia great again.