Tuesday, July third

Ninety-three percent humidity, over eighty degrees already… it’s not a pleasant morning coffee muses.

Condensation everywhere… oh yeah, it’s summer on the Texas Gulf Coast.

The birds are happy this morning, singing everywhere in counterpoint to the buzzing of the cicadas. The county is mowing along the bayou. Their long armed brushog is now trimming trees back along the drainage ditch to my east… loudly.

I have to make a grocery store run today to pick up the grilling supplies for tomorrow’s hamburgers and hot dogs. The prognosticators are calling for rain, a one hundred percent probability. Good thing this back porch is big enough to grill on, I’m going to need the shelter.

Inside now. Watching the news about a new study showing coffee drinkers have a 15% less chance of dying. Good news for this coffee muses drinker.

Now they are taking about the heat wave across most the country. Burlington, Vermont, where the low last night never dropped below 80°. Yesterday’s high up there was 97°. My son called yesterday afternoon from New York, and all he could talk about was the heat…

Time to move on…