Thursday, June twenty-first

There’s a lite rain falling, thunder rumbling in the distance, on this morning coffee muses.

Nothing about this tropical whatever it is, has been in the realm of the foretelling of the prognosticators.

The first bird on the feeder today is a chickadee. The soundtrack of the morning is the harsh call of the blue jays with a heavenly percussion backing.

There is a fringe of brown on the pines. Last year’s needles looking to blanket the ground. It gives the pines an almost military feel, khaki camouflage and all.

Donald Trump backed down yesterday, he ended the inhumane treatment of immigrants that he instituted. He only ended it because he couldn’t make the Democrats take the blame for his policy. But, even as he signed the executive order stopping the separation of children from their parents, children are lost in his non-system… for months. Even as he handed the pen to the Homeland Security Secretary, he said the zero tolerance policy is still in effect. And there is still a legal requirement in effect that says you can only inter children for twenty days.

But, the real problem for this country isn’t the bull in the china shop of government… it’s the congress giving up it’s oversight of the executive branch. Can you ask for better optics of this problem than the congressional oversight committee taking up Hillary’s emails once more as the President is having children separated and interred… caged, as hostages to his wall.

And still… The trumpets insist I give him a chance… insist he’s doing the will of the people. Even as they say the news stories are just lies. The news stories not the President’s speech. And they wonder at the majority of Americans being awed by their ability to be so self-deluded, the ability to believe so many conspiracy theories about their government as they disbelieve the news of what their elected President really is conspiring to do.

I still believe the American dream. But if we don’t do something this November, that dream might not survive the duplicity of the Trump GOP. I still see the image of that North Carolina minister, a man of God, saying he thought the news stories from the border were lies, the government wouldn’t do that… The ranchers on the border, people who put out water supplies to try and keep illegal immigrants alive as they cross the desert, thinking the family separation policy was good as a humanitarian policy if it stopped the immigrants, desperate people, oppressed people, people so in fear for their lives that they would cross entire countries looking for a land less oppressed, from putting their faith in the Lord to get them across a hostile border. What’s wrong with America isn’t immigration, it isn’t illegal immigrants, it’s a hard, cold heart that has hijacked the American dream.

People, I want my America back.

November can’t come soon enough. And if the voters turn their backs on the American Dream once more… Maybe it really is over. If this is going to become a country where the aggrandizing of Trump is the way forward… Then we really have gone backwards.