Wednesday, June twentieth

Overcast and muggy, breezy but warm, mid-eighties already for my morning coffee muses.

So far this week, the prognosticators haven’t done very well foretelling the rains. Monday and Tuesday were supposed to bring all day rains. They barely brought hour long light showers. Unless something changes on the radar, today looks to reprise the two before it. Though, they have issued the following weather statement…

With deep Gulf moisture in place, conditions are somewhat favorable
for tropical funnel clouds.

Funnel clouds in this environment are usually short lived and
rarely reach the ground. However, if one is observed be prepared
to seek shelter if it appears to descend to the ground as they
can produce strong winds that can produce minor damage.

So, the day has the possibility of some interesting weather.

Once again the first bird on a feeder was the rubythroat. The bird providing the soundtrack this morning is the northern mockingbird, accompanied by the cardinal clan.

The Mississippi Kite is on it’s perch once again. Now it’s soared off into the sky.

My wife is beginning to think that President Trump is destroying the American Ideals. Making America weaker in the world, doing everything Russia and Vladimir Putin would want to weaken our standing in the world. But 55% of Republicans still approve of the   Trump policies. Go figure… He’s having children taken from their parents and held hostage to get his wall built… immoral.

I just watched a news piece where a minister in NC said he didn’t believe the stories being reported. He didn’t believe the news. He’s definitely drunk on the Trump koolaid.

Isn’t it ironic that the US pulled out of the UN Human Rights Council. Our own country’s standing on human rights being degraded on a daily basis. Thank you Mr. President. I have no idea what your definition of “great” is, but I believe you have managed to take us backwards into the nineteenth century.

Just another reason to vote the republican party out of office since they will not hold this President to account for his actions.

Time to go…