Saturday, June ninth

A sunny and bright and warm summer’s morning coffee muses.

The first bird on the feeder today was a cardinal. Rusty brown in color. A female on the prowl for seeds. A male cardinal crosses the yard, back and forth. The chickadees are on the way, singing from the trees as they come. Now they are on the feeder.

The soundtrack of this summer morning is most decidedly that of cicadas singing their song of heat. If there ever was a sound of summer, their humming, buzzing song is it.

And the smell of summer… fresh mowed grass. That’s the modern equivalent of the old fresh mowed hay. Different sense of scale,  but the odor is the same. The dragonfly that was on the seed stem yesterday is flying low over the freshly mowed grass. It seems to be searching for it’s perch, though I’m sure that’s just me supplying a reason to a normal search for food.

Clouds streaming in from the gulf have blocked the sun, at least momentarily. I’ll enjoy the cooling effect while it lasts. I noticed during my Deere meditations yesterday, that the effect of cloud cover was almost instant, and much appreciated. The cattle egrets were out in force yesterday. There must have been twenty or so sharing my meditations.

A male cardinal just visited, didn’t stay long, too uncomfortable around me… or it could have been a male stealing into the territory of the local cardinal and not wanting to get caught.

A monarch butterfly is fluttering around the butterfly weed. Maybe this will be an egg laying visit.

My coffee is gone… and I need to check the news and my email…