Wednesday, June twenty-seventh

Once again, condensation is on the windows for another morning coffee muses.

Cattle egrets walk the right of way. Their larger cousins fly over, high in the sky. The Mississippi Kite is on it’s perch for the first time this week.

They first bird on the feeder today was a cardinal. I spotted it as I poured my coffee.

The crickets are chirping up around the house while cicadas buzz in the trees. Dragonflies patrol the air between the two.

I so enjoy the morning play of light across the yard. Shadows, so dark, hiding what’s in them from the sunlight, so bright. Blue bowl of sky, a dream of Wedgwood Blue.

Before the sun hit the thermometer on the post it was already reading 77°. Humidity is at 96%, the heat index is pushing 90°. Just another summer’s morning on the Texas Gulf Coast.

It’s still out today. Not a breath of breeze blowing.

Coffee’s running out, time to move on…