Tuesday, June twenty-sixth

Oppressive humidity to start this morning coffee muses.

Condensation on the windows, dew on the grass, haze in the air… all signs of a not so enjoyable day in SE Texas.

When I was waiting for my car to get finished at the dealership yesterday, my sister called to say she was in town at my mom’s. So, once they finished up, I headed for Pasadena. Sandy and I talked most of the day away before I had to head back across the world to my side of not quite Houston.

This morning it’s quiet out. That’s mainly because I’m early. The difference in the soundtrack between 7 – 8 a.m. and 8-9 a.m. is amazing. Right now what makes it through the background of the fan is mainly the cicadas, with a bit of cardinal thrown in.

Sitting here staring off into space really isn’t an option this morning, I forgot to plug in this tablet last night and the battery is rapidly falling.

The first bird on the feeder today was a chickadee.

Driving around yesterday I caught the White House press briefing. Listening to Sarah Huckabee Saunders try and blame Democrats for the fiasco on the border because they wouldn’t make the Republican Immigration bills bipartisan by voting on something they had no input on, makes you realize just how much of this administration’s agenda is just a PR campaign aimed at their base.

They can get away with it because their base doesn’t believe the press unless it has FOX in the name. Sadly, even the Republicans who despise Trump, can’t break through. And by backing the Republican Party in spite of Trump, they make it easy for his anti-American agenda to get pushed thru.

It’s the nuances that get lost in this conversation. Seekers of asylum are different from illegal immigrants. And not all illegal immigrants are brown. And they all don’t cross the southern border. And not all immigrants are bad. This country was built on the backs of immigrants from all parts of the world. But Trump’s agenda to stop all immigration from any country not of Caucasian majority is just wrong and racist at it’s core.

Coffee’s gone, time to move on… time for America to move on. Back a Democrat this fall. Back them all.