Wednesday, June sixth

Cicadas singing the sun up on this morning coffee muses.

Summertime mornings, a gradual warming day by day. Cicadas worshiping the heat with their chanting. Hundreds of dragonflies are patrolling the green fields of grass. Anoles stalking insect prey around the porch.

The first bird on the feeder is a cardinal.

I can hear the chickadees and the titmice moving into the trees in front of me. It’s as if they travel together and all descend on the feeder at about the same time. Cute little birds all in formal attire.

The Mississippi Kite is back on his perch. He took flight and circled around before returning to his spot… He looked fast and was as he did his acrobatics thru the treetops.

A titmouse arrived first. Followed almost immediately by a chickadee.

A hawk was on the ground in the back corner of my neighbor’s yard. I never spot them till they fly away… back in the shadows under the trees.

High clouds today. The prognosticators are speaking of a 20% chance we may see some moisture falling from the sky. As it is heating up, the clouds are already building up along the coast and drifting over.

Another hawk just landed behind the wisteria. And here comes a seconding up into the live oaks bottom branches. The hawks are small. And too quick for me to identify.

Once more, the cup has run dry and it’s time to move on.