Another almost cool, almost foggy, autumn morning coffee muses.
Another not really cool, not really foggy, beautiful Sunday morning coffee muses.
Hazy, bright, and cool on the back porch for my morning coffee muses.
It's much cooler, and sunnier for this end of week morning coffee muses.
Another overcast beginning to a fall day in paradise... morning coffee muses.
Breezy, not so cool, and damp, my morning coffee muses.
Blustery, rainy, and cool... strong north breezes blowing rain on this autumn morning coffee muses.
Cool, overcast, late morning coffee muses.
Blue skies, cool breezes... a beautiful autumn morning coffee muses.
The threat of rain passes us by again, under steel gray skies on this morning coffee muses.
Easterly winds with just enough strength to feel cool on this not so cool morning coffee muses.
Another blustery, cool, overcast morning coffee muses.
Another overcast, cool morning coffee muses.
Ahhhhhh, fall... finally, a real autumn morning coffee muses.
Thunderstorms building to the south, temperature is any thing but cool for this morning coffee muses.
There's more dew on the ground than there was yesterday, the gulf air is warmer on this Sunday morning coffee muses.
Not as cool, a bit more humid, but the season has finally turned morning coffee muses.
Dry air settled in, cool but not so cool that the ceiling fans aren't welcome, morning coffee muses.
Finally, a morning where the outside temperature is cooler than the inside temperature... a gorgeous fall morning coffee muses.
The first front has passed, even with the sun up the temperature is nice for my morning coffee muses.
Still cooling into fall on this morning coffee muses.
I beat the sun up this morning to enjoy a cool morning coffee muses.
A cool Sunday morning sunrise to start this morning coffee muses.
For the third straight day the sun is out, the humidity is down, and the heat is back for my morning coffee muses.
The humidity is so high that every surface outside has a film of moisture on this morning coffee muses.
The humidity is up, the temperature's steady in the mid seventies, my morning coffee muses will happen indoors.
Another In a long line of cool, overcast morning coffee muses.
Cool, lite rain falling, thunder booming softly all night, morning coffee muses.
Cool, overcast, breezy start to a morning coffee muses.
The sky is gray, flat featureless gray, the air is cool and damp on the morning coffee muses.