Thursday, September Twenty-seventh

The sky is gray, flat featureless gray, the air is cool and damp on the morning coffee muses.

The highway traffic sounds are prominent today. Rubber tires on damp pavement. Vehicles passing by on the road out front are especially loud today.

We are in that in between time of the year when it comes to the birds. Yes, the hummingbirds are piling in to await their fall migration flight. But, every other species is in low visibility. Mostly they are still here, just not visiting the feeders as much. Not singing as loudly. Not protecting their territories because they aren’t needed for breeding at the moment.

Heavy thunderstorms were in the area yesterday. Most of them missed us. But around 1p.m. we had a good one refill the puddles on the drive. Which causes me, once again, to comment on how green my world is for this time of year. Hell even the bark on the trees has taken on a greenish tinge over the browns.

It sure doesn’t look or feel like it’s almost 9a.m. out here. With the cloud cover, it feels much earlier. But I’m enjoying the cooler temperatures, no matter what the cause.

On a political note, today will showcase one thing… and it won’t be the truth. It will be how the Republican Senators mismanaged the vetting process on a Supreme Court Justice. And how, when questions were raised, from the beginning on his truthfulness, they planned to push right thru to a vote.

They can call Democrats obstructionist all they want, but, the truth is in their practices. They have obstructed for a decade now. And no amount of BS can change their record. Not hiding behind the skirts of a woman in questioning another woman’s truthfulness. Not changing the vetting practices to hide the professed beliefs of your nominee. Not hiding the paper trail. Not using your partisan staff to investigate allegations of wrong doing. Not even making emails top secret to keep the public from knowing about past lies under oath… What is really on display is just how much Republicans are sure they are going to lose both chambers of congress this fall.  It’s the only justification for pushing a vote on this partisan hack of a judge to a lifetime appointment. Get it done before even more of his past actions can come to light…

And on a final note…. My Angel trumpet is blooming.

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