Saturday, September Twenty-ninth

Cool, lite rain falling, thunder booming softly all night, morning coffee muses.

This wet rainy pattern is going to run the month out and start October too… at least that’s what the prognosticators are foretelling.

Hummingbirds aren’t too bothered by the rain. They are battling it out for supremacy of the feeders. Sadly, the mosquitoes are also ignoring the rain falling.

On a side note… I wish to thank Senator Flake and Senator Coons for their bipartisan effort to put the brakes on the seating of a nonjudicial judge to the supreme court. I understand that thanks also go out to Senator Murkowski. In their rush to legislate from the bench, the Republican party has almost destroyed the integrity of the supreme court.

If we learned nothing else this week, we did learn that Judge Kavanaugh’s partisan political leanings were not buried as far under the surface as he wanted everyone to believe.

So again, thanks to all who hit the brakes on this train wreck.