Monday, October Twenty-second

Cool, overcast, late morning coffee muses.

It’s a wintery looking day today. Even feels a bit like the winters I’ve lived through here on the Texas coast. The morning temperature is 58º out in the back yard. No ceiling fan needed on this cool morning.

As I walked out of the house a male eastern bluebird settled on the yard. He was hunting from the roof line.

Last night before bedtime, I walked out and caught the call of a great horned owl down in the woods along the bayou. The first time this fall. Though I’ve conversed with them in years past.

A train whistle is blowing down Highway 6. Cars are passing out on the road. A murder of crows caws out in the county. Blue jays can be heard all over the map.

The prognosticators are promising afternoon showers, and temperatures not leaving the 60’s today.

The clouds have thinned enough to let shadows show on the ground for a moment. Ragweed season is upon us.

It’s late, my cup is empty… time to call this muse done.