Beautiful winter start to the last of fall's morning coffee muses.
It rained most of the night and now it feels like fall again for this Saturday morning coffee muses.
Almost gone... red oak color is coming to an end for this morning coffee muses.
It's shorts and tank top weather as we move into December for a morning coffee muses.
Wintery looking mild fall morning coffee muses.
Blustery, cool, sunny morning coffee muses.
Another foggy start to a morning coffee muses.
Pleasant, foggy start to my morning coffee muses.
It's warmer on this after Thanksgiving morning coffee muses.
A bright and sunny Thanksgiving Eve morning coffee muses.
"Rainy days and Mondays always get me down."
Overcast, but, not really all that cool for this Sunday morning coffee muses.
Another overcast, cool, still morning coffee muses.
I'm still under the weather for this morning coffee muses.
Cold, frost covered grass, bright sunshine for this morning coffee muses.
A cold, blustery start for my morning coffee muses.
A wintery looking start to a wintery mix of a day morning coffee muses.
It's another overcast morning in the hill country, a chilly morning coffee muses.
Low forties, overcast with rain about on radar, hill country morning coffee muses.
Cold, wet, windy hill country morning coffee muses.
Loading the car for a roroad trip morning coffee muses.
Another warm, humid morning coffee muses.
Warm and foggy, a muggy start to a long election day... morning coffee muses.
Warmer and humid today, going up into the mid eighties... not my kind of autumn morning coffee muses.
The temperature is up, the sky is overcast, there's a smell of rain in the air for my morning coffee muses.
Mid fifties out here on the back porch for my morning coffee muses.
An end of the day muse without coffee.
Its a cool and blustery start to a true autumn morning coffee muses.
Overcast, warm (seventy-three), pre front morning coffee muses.
Warming, humid, and bright... almost a fall back into summer morning coffee muses.