Monday, November Fifth

Warmer and humid today, going up into the mid eighties… not my kind of autumn morning coffee muses.

Though it’s a beautiful post DST sunrise. The week is threatening low chances of rain right up until Thursday when the chances increase. Which just so happens to be the anniversary of two important events in my life.

Ten years ago, on that very day, I was laid off from the job I held for thirty five years. The day they laid me off was actually one day earlier than they wanted. They had asked me to stop by on my way out of town a trip I had planned. I was taking my wife to the hill country to celebrate our 30th Wedding Anniversary.

The company had planned a multitude of layoffs around the country on that Friday. They really wanted to keep it quiet before they did it and I wasn’t cooperating. Funny how that happened.

So there I was, out the door in a disaster of an economy. Fiftyfour, no job, nobody hiring, unemployment rising to highs not seen in decades. The good thing, unemployment benefits were being extended almost indefinitely… or so it seemed.

So we got by. Life went on.

And so, once again it’s time for another trip to the hill country… the 40th Anniversary… and the 10th.

And life goes on.

On another note… go vote tomorrow.

2 thoughts on “Monday, November Fifth

  1. Well, my goodness. Congratulations on your perseverance (that 40th!) and your resilience (the 10th). Life being what it is, things aren’t always what we expect, but it’s still better than not-life. Have a good time on your trip, and give my best to your wife, too.

    1. Thank you, Linda. Fredericksburg is calling. And a cool front is coming. I’ll pass along your best wishes…

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