Tuesday, November Sixth, Election Day

Warm and foggy, a muggy start to a long election day… morning coffee muses.

I stepped outside this morning and decided it would just be for photos. I could tell just looking out the windows this morning,  that it was warm and muggy.

I already have the election pregame playing on the big screen. I’ll be following this election all day.

I go into this day with an optimism that the polls will be off. That the backlash to the hate pushed by the President will be big enough… and uncounted by polls, to change both houses of congress.

Optimism… I am beginning to think that’s the characteristic that defines the difference between the left and the right. Conservatives, if you can actually still call the right that, are and have been since the tea party, pessimistic about everything.

So, if you haven’t voted early, get yourself to your local ballot box. Stand in line if you must, be aware of the weather, take an umbrella… a bottle of water,  a chair if you need it… but, go vote.

Preferably,  vote with an optimistic heart, vote blue…