Saturday, November Twenty-fourth

Pleasant, foggy start to my morning coffee muses.

Opening the umbrella enough to block the rising sun, I found myself shaking out a multitude of lady beatles. They evidently had taken refuge overnight in the folded up fabric.

It’s quiet out this morning. Dew covers the grass. Spider webs shine in the bright sunlight. The tips of the pine needles glow where they are backlit.

Yellow and orange is taking on a dominance in the landscape. Still overshadowed by green, but steadily growing.

Finally, the green grass is starting to yellow. It’s been an unusual year, wetter than just about any I remember. But spread over the entirety of the year. After the floods of Harvey, it was a different type of long term wet.

Somewhere in the distance a mower is running. Looking at my grass, I’m not feeling the need to ride mine anytime soon.

It’s a beautiful, unusually so, fall day. Temperatures in the cool but comfortable shorts and tank top range. Birds calling in the distant woods. White clouds making stripes across the sky.

My coffee’s about gone. There is still a lot of decorating to get done… and redone. Nothing is ever right until it’s done over and over again…