Monday, November Nineteenth

A cool, rainy start to the Thanksgiving week, morning coffee muses.

“Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.”

I need to pick up my Turkey today. That will require a trip to the big HEB.

It’s been awhile, but, this morning I have a Rufous Hummingbird on the feeder. It’s been a few winters past that one spent the winter with us. I’ve never seen more than one at a time in Texas. But, they were everywhere in Colorado.

After that first visit,  each winter I find myself checking out the hummingbirds that show up after the main migration hoping for another rusty red hummer.

On the rusty red note, the red oak is starting to show it’s fall colors.

And the rain keeps falling…

These morning coffee muses the past couple of weeks have been short and not too complex. But, once again I find myself winding down early…

Let’s see what tomorrow brings…