Wednesday, October Thirty-first

Overcast, warm (seventy-three), pre front morning coffee muses.

The light out here has a strange cast to it. Even as the sun tries to break thru, it’s almost a yellowish tint shining thru.

Already, thunderstorms are on the western horizon.  Radar is showing a large area of rain to the west and south… moving out way.

Somehow I forgot to charge this phone last night. Luckily I have some nice battery bricks I can use to charge it as I work with it. What with all of the electronics using USB cables to charge though, I did have to invest in a few sets of new cables as the old ones died.

It’s a quiet morning,  watching as it gets darker and darker. The clouds moving in are deep blue, filled with rain. But so far, there’s no rumblings of thunder.

I should really stop procrastinating an walk out to the road and haul in the garbage cans. If I’m not careful the rains will start and I’ll get stuck.

Time to call this quits and move on with my day… later.