It's very bright out today. A cloudless blue sky. But still, it feels like spring, in the middle of winter. The weather app says it's 57° out. While on the back porch, the sun has warmed it into the sixties. The cold front has passed us by. Tonight's low will…
It really looks like winter out this morning, but it feels like spring. It's 66°, heading for the mid-70s. There's a 40% chance of rain according to the diagnosticators. Once again I slept in way too long. So now I'll play catch up on a Saturday morning. But playing catch…
Walking out this morning to sit with the grandkids waiting for the school bus, the moon was impressive as it set to the west. Last evening, after watching the fox eat on the back porch, I walked outside to see if I can see him again and spent some time…
It's nippy outside this morning, 42°. All of the color in the sunrise is to the north, so my pictures don't show it. There are some individual crows out and about this morning, cawing as they travel across the yard. The flocks of blackbirds are gathered in the pecans behind…
Wordless Wednesday
Woke up this morning to find we are stuck between too cold fronts. The temperature is 61°. The skies are still cloudy and gray. At some point this month, I'd like to see some sunshine. Last evening I decided to start rewatching Jack Ryan. Just season 2. I'm not sure,…
Another misty, overcast, warm spring like day. The birds are happy with the weather being so warm, it even sounds like spring. I can hear the chickens, or the roosters, cooing in their cages around the corner. The prognosticators are foretelling of a cool front blowing the clouds away this…
This string of hazy, foggy, overcast and rainy days just doesn't end. At least the spring like temperatures have stuck around with the clouds. I will admit that it does make for nice sleeping in weather. Without the brite sun streaming in around the window blinds, another hour in bed…
Gloomy, overcast, wet days keep coming. The dead of winter, the middle of January, and yet the temperature outside would make for a nice spring morning. It's already pushing 70°. Not what most people would expect for January the 22nd. It's been so gloomy these last three days, the solar…
Yesterday's fog, that lingered all day, has carried over into the new morning. And it is a new morning, a morning for America, a morning for democracy once again. This blanket of fog, hanging low, holding sound to the ground, making birds voices ring throughout the yard, through the woods,…
It's warmish but blustery. Birds are singing. Chickens are doing whatever it is chickens do when they talk to each other. There's a bright orange glow to the east as the sun lights the bottoms of the clouds that cover the sky. The temperature right now is 64°, but the…
Martin Luther King Day No school today, so I slept in. The sun is up, it's bright outside, and the temperatures not as cool as yesterday. The prognosticators are promising a series of days that will be very spring-like. High's in the 70s and lows in the upper 50s or…
Slept in this morning. So it's 48°, not too cold. Once again, no clouds. Our fox came by again last night. I guess it's a good thing he was out that first morning... Otherwise I never would have spotted him at night. I added some solar lights to the back…
It's 36° on the back porch this morning. But it's sunny and bright and it'll hit 60° before it starts back down. There's not a cloud in the sky and the sun is brighter than it should be on a Saturday morning. The gray fox visited again last night. I…
It's still cold out this morning, 38°, when I went to the bus stop this morning. The sky is clear. Flocks of birds are flying from tree to tree. Their noisy as they fly. I've noticed that when the big flocks are in the area the smaller birds hold up…
I glanced out the back window this morning, and we had a visitor. There was a small fox licking up bird seed off the porch. I've caught glimpses of them before but never so out in the open and right in my face. Kind of a nice way to start…
It's a chill 30° this morning out in the yard. Frost on the grass. Birds on the feeder. Birds on the wing from tree to tree. Cardinals singing the sun up. Took quite a few minutes this morning for the ice on the windshield to melt as we waited for…
We just missed a winter wonderland yesterday. As I watched the weather unfold yesterday across the state of Texas I noticed the radar was showing freezing precipitation, snow, just to the north of us in Pearland at one point. While it was cold, and windy, it wasn't cold enough to…
It's chilly outside today. And and blustery, the wind is blowing, rain is falling. We're probably at about the warmest it's going to be today as the cold front comes barreling in from New Mexico. Over half of the state of Texas is forecast to have snow today and tomorrow,…
It's rather late this morning, and though I've been up awhile my blog reader demanded more than the normal amount of attention... And then I began cooking breakfast. Bacon and eggs are done, so back to the morning coffee muses. I read a column by David Brooks this week where…
It's very chilly outside, it actually made it into the 30s last night. Driving back to the house this morning from taking the kids to the bus stop, there was frost on the shingles of the house. Looking back towards the bayou I can see a narrow river of fog…
I find myself still in shock after the attempted coup we saw in Washington yesterday. I cannot fathom the justifications Trump supporters may have for the actions of the insurrectionist who took over our capitol. Watching it all play out in real time on television was shocking. I was already…
Wordless Wednesday
The start of school for 2021 Up early, kids out to the road, waiting on buses in the fog. Both of the grandkids now headed for school for the first time since March 2020. Let's hope this isn't a mistake. It's quite foggy out this morning. The birds are singing…
It's warmer this morning. I must say, if the mornings are any indication, 2021 is starting out much nicer than 2020 ended. I won't hold out too much hope though... Republicans are still trying to stage a coup. Ted Cruz is to be expected... He led the charge into Florida…
It's in the mid forties this morning... Sun shining in a cloudless sky... No breeze is blowing. The Christmas decorations are packed away in their storage containers. While both trees await their repacking for another year in the attic. I still have outside lights to take down around the front…
It's a bit chilly outside at 43°. Scattered clouds are keeping the sun from warming the world too quickly. I have just a couple of more days to enjoy sleeping in before the school year starts back up. It's a new year and I have to get back on a…
New Years Day 2021 What a difference a year makes... Even when it's only been a day. I can feel the optimism in the air. The smell of truth is in the air... Well, almost everywhere... I understand that there is an election in Georgia where the truth in advertising…
Once again it's 70° this morning. It's very breezy. But the clouds that cover the sky, they are standing still. The chickens around the corner talking as chickens do. And the wind is whistling through the pines. When I came out this morning, I forgot to bring me a cup…
It's another unseasonable winter's day. The temperature is a mild 70°. There's just the slightest of breezes blowing on the back porch here. The wind chimes or tinkling their little music. The sun is finally breaking through the clouds. And a chickadee is sitting above my head on the feeder.…