30th of January, Saturday

It really looks like winter out this morning, but it feels like spring. It’s 66°, heading for the mid-70s. There’s a 40% chance of rain according to the diagnosticators.

Once again I slept in way too long. So now I’ll play catch up on a Saturday morning. But playing catch up from my easy chair doesn’t seem to catch me up very very fast.

I’m already late for breakfast. So I guess I really should get up and throw something together. I don’t know that it’s really matters, but eat we must.

This appears to be another of the days where it actually gets darker the closer we get to noon. We’ve had a lot of these days over the course of the last month. almost makes me feel like I’m living in Seattle.

It’s Saturday so, it’s my weekly get out of the house today and go to the grocery store. It’s a sad state of affairs when that’s what I look forward to each week.

Both of the women in this household I’ve never had their second vaccinations. Each one with a different company’s vaccine. But as my care provider has not gotten any of the first dose allocations in the past three weeks. So, I have yet to be invited to surrender my arm to science.

Personally, I don’t think the vaccinations are going to make anything that much better in the near future. There are still too many people in too many places who are not following the guidelines. What the hell is so hard about wearing a mask. Staying out of crowds. Being aware of where you are and who’s around you. In my opinion masks are going to be the things we have to learn to live with for a long time to come.

Well it’s time to go. Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation and the world.

Enjoy your weekend.