25th of January, Monday

Another misty, overcast, warm spring like day. The birds are happy with the weather being so warm, it even sounds like spring. I can hear the chickens, or the roosters, cooing in their cages around the corner.

The prognosticators are foretelling of a cool front blowing the clouds away this afternoon. Though the overnight lows will still be in the 50s by morning. Another cool front is foretold by Wednesday, which will bring the overnight lows into the 40s. It will almost feel like winter again.

Less than a week into President Biden’s term in office, with Trump still banned from social media, politics has entered a normalization that almost appears boring after the tumultuous 4 years of Trumpism. Can you believe, we’ve actually had press conferences from the White House? And, they were pretty boring… But you know what, boring is good. Governing is good. Doing what’s right is good…

It’s a new day, it’s a new week, it’s a new administration. It’s time to make America America again.

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for our nation.

May you have a great day today, and every day.