26th of January, Tuesday

Woke up this morning to find we are stuck between too cold fronts. The temperature is 61°. The skies are still cloudy and gray. At some point this month, I’d like to see some sunshine.

Last evening I decided to start rewatching Jack Ryan. Just season 2. I’m not sure, if and when, season 3 will come around, but I love this Amazon series. It’s not trying to be faithful to the books, but it does seem to be faithful to the characters brought up to date.

I also found myself revisiting over the weekend the Newsroom. Every once in awhile I find I have to revisit the opening monologue. Listening to that… For want of a better word… Rant, I can see the appeal of the Donald Trump populism. It’s just that Donald Trump’s interpretation of that sentiment that America was once great and if we just go back to the racism and bigotry of the past we will be great again, his backwards.

It seems to me, that conservatism keeps trying to hold on to that past greatness but they don’t understand why America was great. Progressives tend to want to rush headlong into the future, not understanding how upsetting progress can be to some of us. Not that I count myself amongst the upset minority. But, we will never be great again by being parsimmonous.

There was a reason America was great, it was because we did great things. We dreamed great dreams. We aspired to be great. Once we begin to question the value of the great things we did, and began to tie the purse strings tight to hold what we believed we had achieved, we found it all slipping away. As usual some of us, decided it wasn’t our fault, it was the fault of the dreaded others. The ones who worked like us. The ones who didn’t believe like us. The ones whose God was a different color. And once this belief took hold we lost our path. The path that led us to that greater good.

Maybe, we can find that path again. But it will take all of us, pulling together, to achieve that greatness we seem to be still in search of. Will Joe Biden lead the way… I don’t know. But at least, his heart is in the right place. He wants to inspire us to come together, to compromise, to pull as one. This is a major change from the last four years.

I’ll leave you with this… Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for our nation and the world. May we all achieve greatness together.

For now, just go out and have a great day. One day after another if we aspire to greatness we will eventually achieve it.