Thursday Walking out on the back porch just after 6:00 a.m. this morning, the world was dark. The sky was clear. And Orion shown brightly directly overhead. The only sound was the roar of traffic on the bypass... When I stepped out for the second time, the sun was…
Tuesday As I took the photos in the video this morning hummingbirds were buzzing right by my head. As I stood less than 6 inches from a feeder two hummers sat and ate right beside my face. When one would leave another would take it's place. Others were on…
Monday Overnight a cool front blew through. It's setting offshore now. And, while cooler, it's not really cool. The morning temperature is right at 70°. And the forecast high for the day is in the upper 80s... Not what most people would call fall weather. But, then again, this…
Friday Today is wet! Yesterday we had a heavy midday thunderstorm that dropped quite a bit of water. Overnight more thunderstorms move through the area. Today is just wet! The yard is full of standing water in all of the low spots. Today is just wet! Stepping outside this…
Thursday It was 75°, when I walked out this morning onto the darkened back porch. The humidity was high settling like a blanket over the world. Once the sun began to brighten the neighborhood, I could see a light mist hugging the ground abd dew covering the grass and…
Tuesday After I woke grandkid number one this morning, I stepped out on the back porch into what felt like a return to summer... The temperature was above 75°, and the humidity was pushing 100%. Off in the distance lightning flashed, and thunder rumbled softly. For the first bus…
Monday Our preview of fall is winding down. The low this morning is back above 70... And there it will stay all week. The prognosticators are foretelling of scattered showers all week to boot. Today’s kids will live through three times as many climate disasters as their grandparents, study…
Friday A person could get used to mornings starting out in the '50s. It's another gorgeous day on the back porch. Fall like temperatures and low humidity. What could be better for starting the last day of the week and going into a weekend. Wednesday's cold front almost swept…
Thursday After a breezy Wednesday, Thursday was cool, still, and clear. The temperature this morning when I walked out on the back porch was 58°. The humidity wasn't even felt. Photographs was heavy with dew. It definitely feels like fall today. The sun is out, shining brightly. My long-distance…
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday I find myself needing to run this morning ... So, the video is it for today. Y'all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation and the world... Catch y'all on the other side.
Monday We're just waiting for the weather to change... Me and the hummingbirds... There are dozens swarming around the feeders front and back. They and I are waiting for the cold front the prognosticators are promising us in the next couple of days. Me... I'll enjoy sitting on the…
Friday After I wake up my granddaughter at 6:00 a.m. I usually step out onto the dark back porch to get a feel for the day. A lot of mornings if I look up and see any stars at all, I see my old friend Orion overhead. Come the…
Thursday When I walked out on the back porch at 6:00 a.m. there were stars shining in the sky. By 7:00 a.m. clouds had covered the entirety of the dome. The temperatures are still mild unlike the aftermath for every tropical system I've ever lived through. It's unseasonably fall…
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, After Hurricane Nicholas Hurricane Nicholas made landfall at 12:30 am Tuesday on the eastern part of Matagorda Peninsula, about 10 miles west of the small city of Sargent. It had maximum winds of 75 mph at landfall. The storm is moving about 10 mph to the north-northeast, and…
Monday It's a wet, almost stormy morning to start this week. Way down south in the Gulf is tropical storm Nicholas. The prognosticators are saying TS Nick will come ashore sometime today south of us on the coast. So, well we won't be looking for heavy winds, the prognosticators…
Saturday, 9/11 This morning I'm out on the back porch enjoying unseasonably nice fall weather. The morning temperature was 64° when I walked out. The humidity is a livable 84%. In the hour I've already spent out here, the temperature is risen 2° as I watched hummingbirds battle for…
Friday There's a pleasure in visiting the outdoors when both the temperature and the humidity meet in the lower 70s. And this morning I reaped the benefits of that pleasure when the temperature was 73° with a 73% humidity. I really do understand that this is just a preview…
Thursday Stepping out on the front porch this morning was one of those "Oh wow" moments. The temperature was a pleasant 69°. The humidity was a mehh... 93%. But, still it felt extremely pleasant. Even the light of the rising sun has a different look and feel to it.…
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday There's been a real change in the feeling of the world today... But it's only the weather. And though the humidity is at 97%, with the temperature at 72°. It feels like fall might actually be on the way. And looking at the prognosticators foretelling for the next…
Monday, Labor Day Walking out on the back porch this morning it felt cooler. Though, truth be told at 78°, it's been cooler of a morning. But then I pulled up the humidity... And in the mid '80s that's enough of a difference to make it feel much cooler.…
Friday I walked out on the back porch this morning in the pre-dawn dark with stars shining overhead and lightning flashing to the south. Thunderstorms offshore, headed our way. The temperature in the upper 70s and the humidity in the upper 90s, it wasn't particularly pleasant in that pre-dawn…
Thursday Stepping out on the back porch this morning after waking grandchild number one, it was 79° with a humidity of 97%... Summer is still hanging around. Now I sit here on the front porch after getting both grandchildren on the bus to school, listening to the birds and…
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday Stepping out on the back porch this morning before first light it felt like I thought it should feel on a warm and humid last day of August. The temperature was 79°, cooler than normal was still quite warm. It felt humid, but there was no condensation on…
Monday Last evening I sat out and watched the sun go down while I let the GoPro run. This morning I played with the resulting video as the grandkids got ready for school. I have to admit, when I walked out there were some nice cloud formations to the…
Sunday I don't have much to say today. And I'll let the image above say most of it. Stay safe out there, protect your family and your pets.
Saturday Hurricane Ida I wasn't going to post anything this morning because I slept in... Then I saw this animation of Ida on I started playing with the video recorder and then tried outputting it as a gif... So here we are.