Two September, 2021


Stepping out on the back porch this morning after waking grandchild number one, it was 79° with a humidity of 97%… Summer is still hanging around.

Now I sit here on the front porch after getting both grandchildren on the bus to school, listening to the birds and the morning traffic on the road. They almost 30 years we’ve lived here, at this location, on this road, morning traffic has exploded exponentially. What was once an occasional car going by and wind direction or the other, is now an almost constant back and forth. The really good thing about this is that the new house, now a decade old, is almost three times as far away from the road as the old house was.

There are hummingbirds visiting the blooms on the chest tree. There are squirrels harvesting beans in the mimosa. I heard a woodpecker call from the pecan tree. And earlier in the morning, our resident hawk passed through the yard. I hear chickadees in the crepe myrtle.

Well the temperature has now passed 80°, and the humidity hasn’t fallen very much, so I think I’ll hit on in and start thinking about breakfast. So, y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation and the world… Say an extra prayer for all of those who were impacted by hurricane Ida.