Three September, 2021


I walked out on the back porch this morning in the pre-dawn dark with stars shining overhead and lightning flashing to the south. Thunderstorms offshore, headed our way. The temperature in the upper 70s and the humidity in the upper 90s, it wasn’t particularly pleasant in that pre-dawn and darkness.

By the time I stepped back out after delivering my granddaughter to the bus, it was a bit lighter with some color to the clouds that were building up to the south. According to the prognosticators there’s over a 50% chance that those rain storms will pass us and drop some rain on us.

We got a pretty good dowsing yesterday afternoon about 3:00. Yep, just about the time I had to leave the house it started pouring. That’s pretty much par for the course around here. No rain all day till you have to leave.

Once again I have been playing with the Quik app. Mixing video and photographs from my morning on the back porch. It takes a little longer for these morning coffee muses doing it this way. But really, enjoying it, learning from it, seeing what I can do.

Well this is going to be a weekend. Sunday we will be having both a birthday party and our family celebration of Labor Day. Just kind of worked out that way this year. So a little smoked meat, potato salad, maybe some coleslaw and some pintos, and birthday cake… Should be a fun way to bring summer to an end.

Sadly, the weather won’t agree with us. We’ll still be doing summer temperatures right on into October… Maybe even November. But that’s life on the Texas Gulf Coast.

But the wife is home today, so I need to start thinking about breakfast. So y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation and the world.

I’ll catch y’all on the other side.