Six September, 2021

Monday, Labor Day

Walking out on the back porch this morning it felt cooler. Though, truth be told at 78°, it’s been cooler of a morning. But then I pulled up the humidity… And in the mid ’80s that’s enough of a difference to make it feel much cooler.

Of course, the fact that it’s totally overcast and there’s a slight breeze out of the north probably has something to do with the feeling of coolness. All I know, is that I’m personally ready for the seasons to change.

Yesterday was very busy. We did our family Labor Day gathering and celebrated the birthday of number two grandson. Though actually, his birthday is today and so is Labor Day.

So while the kids enjoyed a water slide in the backyard, and the grownups conversed in the house avoiding the excess heat of the first week in September… Had a brisket set in a low oven staying delectably moist and warm. By the time the day was over it seemed as if everyone had a lot of fun.

So this morning I set out on the back porch watching the hummingbirds chase and fight trying to position themselves as the alpha hummingbird on the feeder. There’s a whole lot of chest bumping going on amongst those tiny little birds.

Well as pleasant as it is sit here in my rocking chair with the ceiling fans on I really need to move on and start breakfast… See y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation in the world… And say a special prayer for all the disaster areas that seem to be piling up all around us… Sadly, Texas seems to be one of them and it’s doing it all by its lonesome. Texas politicians don’t seem to need any natural forces to make our state the disaster.