Seventeen September, 2021


After I wake up my granddaughter at 6:00 a.m. I usually step out onto the dark back porch to get a feel for the day. A lot of mornings if I look up and see any stars at all, I see my old friend Orion overhead. Come the dead of winter who Ryan is the last thing I see before I go to bed on that back porch in the dead of night.

But these last few mornings as I take that first breath of fresh air and look up towards Orion’s belt, I’m just happy that the heat has broken and the humidity is not too high.

About an hour later when I step out onto that porch, as the sun comes up, I take my photos of the day before going in and stitching them together into a video. I usually accomplish this between bus number one and bus number two.

Once my grandson is on the bus I come back into the house and edit this post. Then I edit my video, adjusting the sound levels adding a description from the blog and posting everything together for going on with my day.

It’s become an almost meditative process… On the days when it doesn’t happen, I really miss it.

In actuality, as I dictate this, I have yet to make that second bus stop… Put the hands on the clock or slowly turning towards the point where it will be time to go…

So I will end these muses with this… Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation and the world… That’s Mary says from her song we could all use a little mercy now…

Catch y’all on the other side…