Eleven September, 20 21

Saturday, 9/11

This morning I’m out on the back porch enjoying unseasonably nice fall weather. The morning temperature was 64° when I walked out. The humidity is a livable 84%. In the hour I’ve already spent out here, the temperature is risen 2° as I watched hummingbirds battle for dominance.

I’ve also let the GoPro run in time lapse trying to catch the light begin to hit the trees. But, the clouds that lined the eastern horizon have decided to rise with the sun… So our sunrise has been longer than normal. It’s just now starting to come out from behind the clouds on their underside as they’ve moved west.

It’s the 20th anniversary of 9/11. It’s hard to look back on now and see the changes we’ve made in this world in the ensuing 20 years. It really seems as if the freedoms we’ve given up will never return and the freedoms that we’re insisting on are not the freedoms we should be holding important.

It was just a few minutes later than this morning that I stood in the lunchroom at work watching the television news as the second plane hit the world trade centers. And that’s when the world changed… Because after that it was no way to feel that this was an accident.

I’ll let all of the talking heads analyze what it all has meant to the nation and the world because I don’t feel like tossing my 2 cents worth of opinion into the mix… It’s enough to say the world changed and got a whole lot smaller twenty years ago today…

Today I’ll just sit here and enjoy the small battles taking place over my back porch as the hummingbirds vie for dominance of their little portion of the world.

So, y’all stay safe, stay heathy, and pray for the nation and the world,

See y’all on the other side…..