Twenty-four September, 2021


A person could get used to mornings starting out in the ’50s. It’s another gorgeous day on the back porch. Fall like temperatures and low humidity. What could be better for starting the last day of the week and going into a weekend.

Wednesday’s cold front almost swept all of the hummingbirds out of my area. Thursday morning I didn’t see a single hummingbird at the feeders. Which could be explained by the simple fact that Wednesday night they had drained every feeder on my porches.

I spent some time yesterday morning cleaning and refilling the sugar water and by evening a few birds were fighting over the feeders again. I have a feeling that the hummingbirds left are our year-round birds. Though I suppose, they could be new birds filtering in on the next wave of migration.

I must say, this cooler air seems to carry sounds much clearer. This morning the chickens around the corner were quite gregarious. It’s almost sounded as if they were right behind the house.

Well, it’s time to go and get my Subaru and pick up some meds… So, y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for our dysfunctional country and world…

Catch y’all on the other side…