October Fourth, 2021


Overnight a cool front blew through. It’s setting offshore now. And, while cooler, it’s not really cool. The morning temperature is right at 70°. And the forecast high for the day is in the upper 80s… Not what most people would call fall weather. But, then again, this is the Texas Gulf Coast, where even Christmas Day can sometimes be quite warm.

Lake Boyd is finally starting to dry up after last week’s rains. We even had a shower go through last night. Hopefully the yard will dry out before the yard service gets here to mow this week.

Over the weekend the buildup of hummingbirds was almost to the point it had been before the first front. The aerial battles and formations that were buzzing around the porches was impressive. Judging by what’s going on out there this morning though, it looks like many have already started the trip across the gulf. If that’s the case we will now be down to just the resident hummingbirds until, and if, our winter Rufus shows up.

Well the house is quiet and empty… Just me on my side and Marley on his side. Oh by the way, Marley is my daughter’s cat.

It’s time for breakfast, see y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for this dysfunctional country and world…

Catch y’all on the other side…