Winding down on 2020... Thank God. It's a beautiful almost spring like morning. There's a breeze, temperature is cool. The wind chimes are chiming. And the chickens, they are clucking. There's a bank of clouds moving in from the southeast. Beginning to cover the blue skies this morning. Over on…
Happy Birthday Breanna Out early on the back porch. It's unseasonably nice. T-shirt weather... The sound of the morning seems to be the chickens waking up around the corner. Large trucks seem to be out and about today. From the sounds they're dump trucks. I saw a "V" of…
The grass is brown, leaves have fallen, needles are brown on the cypress trees. I think winter is here. Just the temperature disagrees. It's 62 degrees out already. The news isn't promising coming out of our government. The disfunctioning way the Senate has operated for the last decade or so…
Running late this morning. Setting up a new phone takes longer than I thought. I hope everyone's Christmas was everything you expected. I think I'll be back to the regularly scheduled programming tommorow. Y'all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for our Nation and the world.
Christmas Day Dawn on Christmas morning. Pigs in a blankets in the oven. Roast on the counter coming to room temp. Kids in bed still... so is Grandma. I'm going to be busy this morning in and about the kitchen, so this will not be much more than this...…
Christmas Eve The front that finally arrived last night around 9pm is still blowing hard outside. The temperatures plunged from a high of almost 80 yesterday to a low in the 30's this morning. The wind is expected to keep blowing all day and tonight's low will be pushing…
It's loud out this morning. Mostly the sound of chickens raising a fuss. It's also very bright out. Sunshine like this makes it hard to sleep in even with the blinds down. It's really mild out, temperature wise... Already 63℉ and it's not forecast to go up all that much…
Another cool and brilliant December morning. The winter solstice... autumns end and winters beginning. This is supposed to be the shortest day(light) day of the year. Today the sun will shine 10 hours and 15 minutes. Up in New York where my son is calling home there's a marked difference...…
Well, it's late and we've been sitting around talking on this brite Sunday morning. Fog settled in overnight and as it rises there's a glare in the sky. It's feels warmer today... though really it's not. It's just not raining. And after the near floods of yesterday, that's a good…
Today it's raining. The temperature is in the sixties. We will bounce around with highs in the sixties till Wednesday then it'll be highs in the fifties for awhile. For a change it will be seasonally cold to start on Christmas day. The forecast is even calling for strong north…
Another cold and cloudy morning. Looking outside as I went through the morning routine it was unaccustomedly dark. When I stepped out on the porch it all became clear. Once again the sky looks more troubled than it actually is. All day yesterday I was seeing that my northern friends…
It's a frosty, cold morning. As in, there's frost on the grass. It's still, no breeze is stirring... which evidently helped the temperature fall. It's 31 degrees outside, 34 degrees on the porch. Did I say it's frosty. A train whistle interrupts the quiet of the house. Train whistles, Carolina…
Another prelude to winter. A reflection of winters long ago. Damp, cold, short dreary days followed by short dreary days. If this continues it will be a fitting end to the long and dreary year of Covid-19. A fitting end to a long four dreary years of living in the…
I spent my morning Coffee Muses in the parking lot at a UTMB on IH45 south of Houston. My daughter was having a test done and needed a driver. The weather is still pretty yucky... though the temperature has dropped since yesterday. I am not going to bother with another…
Laying abed this morning, the light coming in from around the blinds was fading as the minutes passed. Now I see why... by the time I arose, the rumbles of distant thunder were making themselves heard. By the time I had acquired my record shots of the morning a mist…
An overcast morning fallowing a rainy night. Not a lot of rain, but, rain none the less. At 9am it's almost 70 degrees outside... so it's shorts and a tshirt kind of day. The birds were singing when I went out. And I could hear a phoebe announcing itself. I…
It's a wonderfully mild morning on the back porch. A bit breezy, a little bit cool, with the promise of warmth later in the day. There's an overcast that bodes well for a colorful sunrise... The morning light goes through color shifts as the sun approaches the horizon from below.…
I thought this morning would be a good day to look back on the progression of fall color this year... That sequence runs from mid November to today. My one living, breathing red tree. It's only been the last ten years or so that the red oak has acquired it's…
It's loud out on this frosty morning. Temperatures in the upper thirties with no breeze... the roar from the bypass is the loudest I've heard in awhile. I've gone into holiday mode here the last couple of weeks. Spending time reading and contemplating where we've been. Not so much time…
Some would call this a perfectly fine morning... I would place myself among them... except, I'm not of a mind to dress for the upper thirties today. So once again I'll be spending this coffee muses on the inside looking out. It's clear... it's still... it's quite chilly on the…
It's really brite out on the late morning muse. The day can't decide whether to be overcast or clear. It's clear to the west, overcast to the east. Sometime overnight it rained, as puddles still stand out on the drive. Over at Redtree Times, Gary shared some Walt Whitman and…
I slept in per my normal weekend schedule. Now I've been mesmerized by a train trip in the Swiss Alps in winter on YouTube. Here's today's look outside... Now... bacon's on the stove and eggs are waiting... so... y'all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the…
It's another chilly morning outside. So I'm sitting on the inside looking out. The sky is mostly clear. The leaves on the trees are still. The temperature is just north of the 40 degree mark. The prognosticators are foretelling of a high in the 50's. The muse isn't musing this…
When I first stepped out on the back porch this morning it was chilly and blustery... the wind chill was pushing the thirties. The overcast was so deep that the sun was doing little to brighten the day. Even now, almost an hour later, it's a dark wintery looking day.…
'Tis a frosty morn out this day. An appropriate way to start the final month of 2020. My weather app says it is 30 degrees outside and I believe it. All of my temperature sensors are on porches about the house and they average 3 to 4 degrees warmer. This…
It's chilly outside... so I'm musing indoors. It's not the low temperature so much as the blustery north winds. Tomorrow is going to be even colder. It's hard getting the grandkids moving after a week out of school. It'll be even harder after the next break. For a change the…
The sun was shinning thru the clouds with a squinting brightness when I walked out... now the clouds have closed back in and the glare is gone. A blustery north wind is cooling the morning. A cardinal sings from the edge of the woods. Two days of rain have soaked…
It's ten degrees cooler than yesterday... not cool enough to call for long sleeves yet, maybe tomorrow. A steady lite rain is falling, and a steady north breeze is blowing. Besides the gentle patter of the falling rain, it the gossip of the chickens that is providing the background sound…
It's a bit on the warm side this morning. And a lite rain is falling. Evidently it's been falling for awhile. The trees are filled with dozens of small birds. The muted colors of fall are more evident in the rain. But I'm still waiting for the full blown color…
Thanksgiving Our fireplace mantle... Today is a day of giving thanks... A special day set aside to remind us of something we should be doing every day... but sadly, we really do need reminding. So, Thank You for stopping by. Thank You for sharing your life with me. Y'all stay…