Friday, December 18, 2020

Another cold and cloudy morning. Looking outside as I went through the morning routine it was unaccustomedly dark. When I stepped out on the porch it all became clear. Once again the sky looks more troubled than it actually is.

All day yesterday I was seeing that my northern friends and family were having an unaccustomed snow day. My son texted me a photo from behind his snow blower. There were videos from NY and Boston showing anywhere from one to over three feet of snowfall. I think if I lived up there it would have been a perfect day for sitting in front of a fire with some hot chocolate… and I don’t really like hot chocolate.

Well we are one week from Christmas, two weeks from the start of a new year. Another decade done… and that’s just the last four years. It isn’t often you get to survive two decades in ten years…

Well, the cup is running low and light outside is getting brighter. Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the world. Keep wearing your damn masks, keep social distancing, and keep washing your hands. We will get thru this.