Saturday, November 28, 2020

It’s ten degrees cooler than yesterday… not cool enough to call for long sleeves yet, maybe tomorrow. A steady lite rain is falling, and a steady north breeze is blowing.

Besides the gentle patter of the falling rain, it the gossip of the chickens that is providing the background sound to the morning.

Squirrels are hopping around in the wet grass. The birds that were everywhere yesterday morning seem to have hunkered down now that the temperature has cooled. Though I just spooked a chickadee from the seed block by picking up my coffee. But, he came back for another seed.

There’s a bit more color in the trees. It always looks better on moist and rainy days. But the wisteria is still dressed in it’s summery green. Dozens of little birds just flew into the trees. I don’t have my binoculars and the light is bad, so I haven’t a clue what they are. But there are probably forty to fifty up there.

Thanksgiving decorations have all returned to storage. Christmas decorations have started to find their places about the house. The wall art has shifted about for the next month. Santa’s are popping out everywhere. Christmas trees are standing waiting for decorations to appear. And that damned elf has reappeared…

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy and Pray for our Nation and the world. Catch you tomorrow.

3 thoughts on “Saturday, November 28, 2020

  1. I wonder if those little birds are goldfinches. They showed up here last week — just a couple — and now there are more and more coming to the feeders. I saw one bright yellow one, but the rest are much duller, as they usually are here in the winter. We still have light rain, too. It’s a perfect day for indoor chores.

    1. If they are goldfinches they are really dark. I plan on taking my binoculars out tomorrow. I have a feeling they might be the Yellow-rumped warblers. In the past I’ve had them by the hundreds. Last year was the first year I few of either species. Stay dry and warm, it looks like Monday morning is gonna feel like a real winter’s day.

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