Monday, December 28, 2020

Happy Birthday Breanna

Out early on the back porch. It’s unseasonably nice. T-shirt weather… The sound of the morning seems to be the chickens waking up around the corner.

Large trucks seem to be out and about today. From the sounds they’re dump trucks. I saw a “V” of birds flying south in the early light. The early color has faded and we are still 15 minutes away from sunrise.

It’s a really busy Monday morning. The sounds of vehicles moving on the roads, the beep, beep, beep of large rolling stock moving in reverse overrides all of the birds, chickens included in adding to the cacophony of sounds.

And now the second coloring is beginning as the sun rises…

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for our Nation and the world. Keep wearing your masks. Keep social distancing. And, no matter what, have a great day.