Monday, December 7, 2020

Some would call this a perfectly fine morning… I would place myself among them… except, I’m not of a mind to dress for the upper thirties today. So once again I’ll be spending this coffee muses on the inside looking out.

It’s clear… it’s still… it’s quite chilly on the back porch. And from the inside the sun hitting the tops of the trees looks pretty. The only thing missing is the birdsong… and maybe the traffic sounds… but, the train whistle makes through the silence of the house.

It seems I spoke too soon, a Carolina Wren decided to serenade me from the back porch. And for such a small bird it sure has a large voice.

I find myself unable to get too involved in following the tantrums of the toddler in the White House. It’s enough to know that the damage he is doing, the lives he is wasting, the lies he is telling will come to an end. History will not be kind to his legacy.

Something I’ve found amusing is all of the 666 conspiracies. The Biden yard signs, the antivirus lot numbers… the one place the right wingers shy away from is the Kushner Building address… 666 Park Avenue. Just saying…

On another note… the red oak tree is close to actually being my red tree in my backyard. Full color is close…

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the world. At the grocery store this weekend I saw more unmarked people than I have in months… I can’t understand people! Wear the damn masks… even here in Texas it’s a statewide mandate. Wear your damn masks.