Tuesday, December 22, 2020

It’s loud out this morning. Mostly the sound of chickens raising a fuss. It’s also very bright out. Sunshine like this makes it hard to sleep in even with the blinds down. It’s really mild out, temperature wise… Already 63℉ and it’s not forecast to go up all that much more today. The prognosticators are foretelling of the weeks high temperature to be tomorrow when it will top 70℉ before it starts back down…

Today is my chore day, laundry and cleaning and such, add to that prepping the roast for Friday and wrapping some presents for the wife. I actually managed to start months ago coming up with items to gift her with… That’s not my normal practice. There’s been a box sitting by my bedside table that has collected the items as they arrived. Now to just quit procrastinating and just wrap them…

I blame Gary Myers for this morning’s muse. Over the weekend he shared a video of Blackburn’s Night. Yesterday I went on the YouTube and spent some hours listening to a group I’d never heard of before… So for what it’s worth… Have a listen… then go chase down their concert videos… It’s a real good way to spend a winter’s day before (or after) Christmas.

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, Pray for our Nation and the world, wear your damn masks, wash your hands often, and social distance when you are out nd about. If we all do our bit, we will get through this…

Happy Holidays Everyone