Wordless Wednesday
I walked out this morning at sunrise to a back porch that was wet. Given the rainfall of the past day... not surprising. But also wet was my rocking chair. So I grabbed my shots and then wandered by in. I did hear yesterday's owl calling plaintively from the soggy…
According to the almanac it's first light right now... but Tropical Storm Beta is putting a lie to that. The only light in the sky is the reflection of civilization on the underside of the cloud cover. It's loud out, the blustery, gusty winds are making the leaves sing. Shadows…
It's a cool, breezy morning. Our first fall-like morning of the late, almost over summer season. But, don't worry, the heat and humidity will be back... we're not done with summer here on the Texas gulf coast. As a matter of fact, as you can see from the radar image…
Sometimes my morning coffee muses hits a snag... this morning it brought about coffee muses man... Coffee Muses Man Kinda reminds me of the cartoon character from the 1970's. I finally remembered the character after a long senior moment... here y'all go...
This was the sky just minutes after I heard the news that RBG had passed. May she rest in peace. Now we get to see the full nature of what today's Republicans are in their souls. Just over four years ago they set a precedent, so what does Mitch McConnell…
The silence thirty minutes before sunrise is deafening. The overcast sky just barely lighter than the shadowy blackness of the trees. Though there is enough of a glow to the sky to make the ground visible. The Houston/Galveston eathglow effect. The first bird calls. Then another. A breeze stirs the…
Yesterday's sequence of photos inspired me to do it again once I saw the morning sky... First Light - Dawn The first shot was at Dawn... first light in the sky. The noun dawn refers to the first light of day, or the first time period, like the dawn of…
Wordless Wednesday
It's not cool, but it's not that warm either. Pairs of crows keep flying over heading south... raising a ruckus as only crows can. The day gradually lightening as the sun approaches the horizon. The hummingbirds chatter at each other as they bully their way to dominance at the feeder...…
It's a strange morning, no color in the east... what color there is is in the west as the sun rises. In the east it's bands of clouds flowing across the sky from north to south... filling in as the minutes tick by. While around the porch the hummingbird battles…
The sun is well up. Birds are singing. The hummingbird wars continue. The coolness of yesterday morning is fading into memory like a barely remembered dream. The promised rains keep teasing us on an almost daily basis. Thunder, lightning, a bit better breeze... and then 5 minutes of lite rain…
I love weekends. Before covid, I slept in most days... even through the summer I didn't have to get up early. Now that school has started, and virtual school does keep a school schedule, I'm up before the sun five days a week. So... I love weekends... again. I doubt…
There's a difference in the feel of the air this morning. For one thing it's cooler. For another, the clouds are drifting south instead of the more normal northerly direction. I don't know that the front ever made it this far before falling apart. But it really got close. But,…
Once again we are being promised a fifty percent chance of rain. The prognosticators are also foretelling of highs next week in the upper eighties... of course, that foretelling comes with a good chance of rain all week. Oh well, if I can have cooler weather, I'll take a little…
Sunrise is really fleeting. And the glow from the rising sun can begin, become, hit wow and wind down in the blink of the eyes... And all the while hummingbirds swarm the feeders. There always appears to be one feeder that gets the most visitors while the others are claimed…
I awoke to the distant rumble of thunder. I walked out on the back porch to lightening and more thunder and a darker than normal pre-sunrise backyard. The radar tells the story. The only sound besides the thunder... the cheeps of the hummingbirds in the dark. I've figured out what's…
The temperature is down a bit... so is the humidity... a bit. Light clouds are scattered across the sky. It's late, so the sun beats down unmercifully. A red-tailed hawk just flew screaming down the right of way. Blue Jays are jaying all around. And strangely, hummingbirds are everywhere. This…
Happy Birthday Cameron. Number two grandson. I have to get ready for a small family gathering today. A combined Birthday party and Labor Day barbecue. Social distancing will be practised, hands will be sanitized, masks may be worn. I have a ton of things to get done, so this is…
As the sun touches the horizon, periods of lite rain are falling. Rumbles of thunder roll across the landscape. Dark angry clouds move slowly as the birds sing and the hummingbirds buzz back and forth to the feeder. Dragonflies, as big as the hummingbirds, investigate the bird feeders... only to…
Wow, the temperature this morning has dropped into the seventies... after the past week it almost feels cool. There was some rain overnight and the sunrise was colorful with the sun hitting the clouds before coming over the horizon. The prognosticators are foretelling off a good possibility of more rain…
I walked out this morning to an overcast sky. Above eighty temperature, but another shot of not quite oppressive humidity. The hummingbirds are chittering about in the dawn dark. Roosters are softly chattering. A donkey's bray cuts the quiet. As clouds skud north towards a stalled front, the sky goes…
It's not as oppressively humid this morning, though it's still hot. It's funny how 81 degrees is noticeably cooler feeling than 83 degrees. I'm still waiting for the sun to come up over the horizon. There's even a bit of a breeze moving the leaves about. The midweek traffic on…
Out 20 minutes before sunup... it's darker out than the images suggest. And way too warm and humid for comfort. A slight breeze wafts around without having a noticeable cooling effect. Even the ceiling fans are fighting a losing battle with the heat of late summer. Even the clouds over…
It's the first day of the second week of school. Sadly, it's also the third day in a row where the temperature is already 80 degrees or above to start the day. These are the dog days of summer for me. Also, another heat advisory in affect for another hot…
Now that school is going again from home and they are keeping real school schedules, weekends are my sleep in time. Really slept in this morning... so much so that the thermometer was reading 85 degrees before I stepped out on the porch. To top it off, the humidity was…
Warm and humid... makes miss Thursday morning when Laura was spinning off to the east and bringing dryer air into southeast Texas. At least my part of it. I see the prognosticators are calling for another hot day with a heat advisory issued once again. Today I'm hearing mourning doves.…
It's the start of the third day of virtual school after a two day Hurricane break. So it's up with the sun again. One grandkid is up and eating breakfast, I'll go in and wake her brother in a few. It's warmer and much more humid today. They have us…
Hurricane Laura off to the east. Rains to the south. It's warmish this morning, but the humidity doesn't feel so high. The one good thing about being on the dry side of a tropical cyclone. We, as in those of us in the Houston and Galveston area, are extremely lucky…