Sunday, September 20, 2020

It’s a cool, breezy morning. Our first fall-like morning of the late, almost over summer season. But, don’t worry, the heat and humidity will be back… we’re not done with summer here on the Texas gulf coast. As a matter of fact, as you can see from the radar image above, TS Beta is still churning away offshore, though all Hurricane watches are now canceled.

So are week to come will be breezy with a good chance of rain…

The big mass of clouds to my east is covering the rising sun. While the blustery breeze curling around the side of the house is keeping me chill. For the first time since spring I had to slow the ceiling fans… high power is not necessary today. It’s funny actually, for the first time in a long time the outside temperature is lower than the inside temperature.

The breeze is so hard and the day is so quiet I can hear the front porch wind chimes singing on the back porch.

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the world.

2 thoughts on “Sunday, September 20, 2020

  1. “It’s funny actually, for the first time in a long time the outside temperature is lower than the inside temperature.” Yep! And I’d love to go down to the shore, but that’s not in the cards today. I’ve seen the photos from Surfside, the west end of Galveston, etc. Despite no hurricane, that strong NE wind is making for some high water.

    The big news around here is that, when I went outside, I saw something unusual in the scattering of white millet that the doves throw out of the feeders and that I sweep up every morning. Today? there was a long, slender, cleared path through the middle of it. There wasn’t any slime, and it was too wide for an earthworm. I think I had a snake visitor!

    1. We’ve had snakes on both porches this month. Neither were very big, but both were seen. One was a small copperhead the other could have been a small water moccasin… or not.

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