Friday, August 28, 2020

It’s the start of the third day of virtual school after a two day Hurricane break. So it’s up with the sun again. One grandkid is up and eating breakfast, I’ll go in and wake her brother in a few.

It’s warmer and much more humid today. They have us under a heat advisory today. Heat indexes over 110 are expected. On top of that the chance of rain in the forecast is 50%.

It’s very quiet out this morning. Just a bit of traffic noise from the bypass. Plus some soft chicken sounds from around the corner. And now a train whistle from towards the coast.

It’s about time for me to head in and get the grandkids moving a bit faster… y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the World. And Pray that the truth will be known to all… no more lies, no more alternative facts… just the truth.

2 thoughts on “Friday, August 28, 2020

  1. I just stepped outside myself and thought — oh. This is pleasant. It’s typical post-hurricane weather. I remember after Ike how hot and humid it was. At least there’s a chance of rain. We need it. Good news? My aunt in KCMO told me yesterday they’re in line for a real ‘cold front’. Once they start getting them (even if temps only drop to the 50s and 60s) it’s a sign that change will come.

    1. While the thought of cooler weather is enticing, I won’t hold my breath just yet… though back in 1992 just before the RNC in Houston a cool front blew thru and moderated the hot air rising off the Astrodome.

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