Saturday, August 29, 2020

Warm and humid… makes miss Thursday morning when Laura was spinning off to the east and bringing dryer air into southeast Texas. At least my part of it. I see the prognosticators are calling for another hot day with a heat advisory issued once again.

Today I’m hearing mourning doves. Which brings me memories of summers gone by. It also makes me aware of how little I’ve heard that cooing this summer. So many of the bird sounds I associate with summer are rare or absent entirely this year. I wonder how much can be attributed to the aerial spraying for mosquitoes that’s been going on for the last few years?

It’s a good thing I’ve moved away from “master planned communities” and home owner committees, they’d have fits with my mowing schedule. The main prerequisite for when I mow isn’t the height of the grass, it isn’t the calendar either… it’s mostly the forecasted high temperatures. I follow the 10 day forecast and I look for a lower than usual high to set my mowing day.

So far it seems to work out. And by cutting higher and less often, the grass stays greener as the temperature pushes into triple digits.

Well it’s time to go in and start a late breakfast…

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the World. And you know what, Pray for the Republican Party… may they refind their moral heart.