Wednesday, September 2, 2020

It’s not as oppressively humid this morning, though it’s still hot. It’s funny how 81 degrees is noticeably cooler feeling than 83 degrees. I’m still waiting for the sun to come up over the horizon. There’s even a bit of a breeze moving the leaves about.

The midweek traffic on the road out front is heavier. But the vehicles aren’t in such a hurry yet. Though they are picking up speed as the morning passes.

It’s officially after sunrise now… but the sun hasn’t risen above the treeline to the east. And, as usual, there’s a line of clouds over Galveston bay that’s still providing some cover.

A Carolina wren just started trilling on the porch with me. Such a small bird with such a large voice.

It’s about time for me to go in and make sure the grandkids are getting ready for today’s virtual classes. Judging by the problems we are having with dropped connections with the classroom, I don’t know how people with only adequate internet are doing this. I’m still waiting to see how the case numbers change in a week or so… because a good number of kids are back in classes.

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the World.