Thursday, September 3, 2020

I walked out this morning to an overcast sky. Above eighty temperature, but another shot of not quite oppressive humidity.

The hummingbirds are chittering about in the dawn dark. Roosters are softly chattering. A donkey’s bray cuts the quiet. As clouds skud north towards a stalled front, the sky goes from dark to pink to light.

Traffic on the bypass is mostly truck sounds. Down towards Galveston county a train whistle cuts the morning.

Another day of virtual school will be starting soon. It’s almost peaceful as the grandkids do their classes… right up until the meeting drops connection again and again. It’s only week two, so hopefully they’ll work out the technology. But, kids these days are not forgiving or glitchy tech. They spend too much time Facetiming with their friends while playing games.

Here’s a couple of shots taken ten minutes apart…

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the World.