Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Out 20 minutes before sunup… it’s darker out than the images suggest. And way too warm and humid for comfort. A slight breeze wafts around without having a noticeable cooling effect. Even the ceiling fans are fighting a losing battle with the heat of late summer.

Even the clouds over Galveston bay are wimpy looking. Not the towering masses of potential thunder and mayhem I’m used to seeing of a morning. The sunrise officially starts in two minutes… and another day of heat advisory hot begins.

Not much in the way of bird sounds this morning. Just the chickens around the corner. The only signs of birdlife I’ve seen are hummingbirds at the feeder.

Well the eastern sky is taking on a steel gray color, all of the pre-sunrise color having fled for cooler skies. Here’s what it looked like shortly after I came out…

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, stay cool, and Pray for our Nation and the World.