Monday, August 31, 2020

It’s the first day of the second week of school. Sadly, it’s also the third day in a row where the temperature is already 80 degrees or above to start the day. These are the dog days of summer for me. Also, another heat advisory in affect for another hot and humid spin around under the sun.

Out on the porch before 7:00. It’s fairly quiet. Light traffic on the road out front. There was some birdsong when I first came out, but, that’s died down now. You know it’s quiet when the predominant sound you here is the noise a squirrel’s claws make as it climbs around in a tree.

The world is gradually lightening. The sun is getting closer to coming over the horizon… except, as usual, there are some clouds over Galveston bay which is due eastward.

It’s going to be another day to hide from the heat inside. If the past few days pattern holds, showers will be popping up all around us before noon. Since we only have a 20 percent chance of percepitation, we will have to settle for just seeing rain fall… all around, not, in all probability, on us.

It’s time to go in and hurry grandkids along the way to their virtual school day at the dining room table.

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the world…

2 thoughts on “Monday, August 31, 2020

  1. I just walked outside. AAACCK! Space City Weather says there’s maybe a chance of some relief with a front in ten days. That’ll be great, if we can stand it until then. It’s post-hurricane weather, for sure.

    1. I saw that… he gave it a 50/50 chance of coming thru.

      I remember back in high school… many years ago… that by the end of September, the evenings would actually feel cool. What a difference four decades can make… either in the climate or my memories. I don’t know which…

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