Saturday, September 5, 2020

As the sun touches the horizon, periods of lite rain are falling. Rumbles of thunder roll across the landscape. Dark angry clouds move slowly as the birds sing and the hummingbirds buzz back and forth to the feeder. Dragonflies, as big as the hummingbirds, investigate the bird feeders… only to be chased off by the hummers.

As the sunrise glow fades to the light of a rainy day the hummingbird battles are on…

When my alarm went off this morning I rolled over and asked my wife what she was still doing in bed… when she informed me it was Saturday and rolled back over I tried to do the same thing… it didn’t happen. So I got up and started the coffee, and sent my granddaughter back to bed with the same statement.

So it’s Saturday… Labor Day Weekend. Another pandemic holiday. Tomorrow is the grandson’s birthday. The wife didn’t cotton to my suggestion of hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill… she feels the need for brisket. Me… I feel no need to commune with the high heat of summer to coax tenderness and smoke into a big tough piece of cow. So it’s off to Old Buc’s today for someone else’s overnight efforts.

Now, as the rain slowly falls and runs down the downspout, I’m heading in… Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the world… though I think the world is doing much better than the country is… just saying.