Tuesday, September 22, 2020

I walked out this morning at sunrise to a back porch that was wet. Given the rainfall of the past day… not surprising. But also wet was my rocking chair. So I grabbed my shots and then wandered by in. I did hear yesterday’s owl calling plaintively from the soggy woods.

Tropical Storm Beta is onshore around Matagorda Bay and stalled. The overnight rains have played havoc with the morning commute. Hwy 288 is closed inside Loop 610. Surface roads around that area are flooded.

Overnight lows are creeping back up. And, of course, the humidity has been rising for a couple of days now. I’m missing the early feeling fall weather of the.

Yall stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the world.

2 thoughts on “Tuesday, September 22, 2020

  1. Yep. There was a wind switch overnight — or at least a shift. Yesterday, my patio and feeders stayed dry. This morning everything was soaked. I suppose the good news is that signals a little movement of the system. Now, we need a lot of movement!

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