Diamonds sparkle on the grass as the sun clears a cloud... then fade to dewdrops as the cloud reclaims the sun. My crazy kumquat tree is covered with big green fruit again. By the time they ripen they are inedible to me. Way to sour, not enough sweet to balance.…
Dew glistens on the ground. There's a box fan in the window trying to pull in the cool morning air before the sun warms it. Clouds to the east, clouds to the south... blue sky over my head. I wonder what today's weather will be like? It's going to be…
On the front porch on this Sunday morning. The doves are calling quite loudly out here. It's warm and sticky today. Time to fire up the floor fan and move some air. It's not the time of the year to not have some type of air conditioning. Yesterday afternoon late…
I've been watching the traffic in town go from bad to worse in the last couple of weeks. Do you think it's a coincidence that all of the local governments are asking their constituents to comment positively about continuing the grand parkway funding as the lights go out of sequence…
Another quiet morning on the back porch. Still, damp... dew on the ground. Even the birds are mostly quiet. The coffee was still dripping when I came out... so I'm still coffee free. It's making the muse run slow today. Looking around the yard this morning, I am reminded of…
The sun is just clearing the eastern horizon as I sit down with my morning coffee. First lighting the tops of the trees before slowly moving down the trunks. The air is cool and damp... wisps of almost fog visible here and there before the sunlight runs them off. The…
Last evening's showers have left a coolness to the morning air. Today's thuderclouds are growing over the gulf as I sit here watching. Between the blue jays and the cardinals, the air is filled with bird sounds... can't really call them songs. The local news is full of the grand…
The rising sun is hiding It's heat behind a morning rain cloud off over Galveston bay. The first cup of coffee on the porch is more or less comfortable under the fans. No breeze is moving thru the trees, not a leaf is stirring. Two cattle egrets are stalking breakfast…
Hot and humid this morning as July comes to an end. We had a guy come out and pressure wash the house on Sunday. What a difference it makes... eight years of grime and bugs washed away. It almost looks like new again. A good rain fell yesterday in the…
It's early evening on the back porch. Shadows stretch across the yard and the neighbor is mowing. It's been a long rest between blog posts... My yard could use a good mow too. Monday will be two weeks... again. I will say it's managed to stay green with the fewer,…
A cool morning on the back porch. This spring has belonged to the cardinals. The local population has boomed over the past few years until now there must be a couple off dozen sharing our yard at any given time. My yard still has that ragged spring look. I haven't…
Overcast and cool, the day starts out with a tang of something burned in the air. Birds sing all around. Trains blowing their crossing horns as they rush down the rails. The wisteria is looking almost fully dressed in purple blossoms. The young mulberry tree even has some berries working…
I'm still around... just haven't had much to say lately. I'll make an effort to get back in the habit once again. Today has been quiet. The world has pulled on it's greenery to celebrate the day. It's late afternoon, a cool spring feel to the world. The sun is…
Another wintery look to a not so wintery feeling morning coffee muses.
A cool, wintery looking start to a day that has most of the country in a polar grip morning coffee muses.
The sun rose over another frosted morning coffee muses.
A frosty morning coffee muses.
Rain and temperatures falling on this second day of the new year for my morning coffee muses.
Damp, overcast, just shy of warm start to my morning coffee muses.
The back porch is warm in the morning sun for my Sunday morning coffee muses.
Beautiful winter start to the last of fall's morning coffee muses.
It rained most of the night and now it feels like fall again for this Saturday morning coffee muses.
Almost gone... red oak color is coming to an end for this morning coffee muses.
It's shorts and tank top weather as we move into December for a morning coffee muses.
Just another warm fall day with full overcaat.
Wintery looking mild fall morning coffee muses.
Blustery, cool, sunny morning coffee muses.
Another foggy start to a morning coffee muses.
Pleasant, foggy start to my morning coffee muses.
It's warmer on this after Thanksgiving morning coffee muses.