Saturday, August 3

I’ve been watching the traffic in town go from bad to worse in the last couple of weeks. Do you think it’s a coincidence that all of the local governments are asking their constituents to comment positively about continuing the grand parkway funding as the lights go out of sequence and traffic backs up?

It’s funny. Txdots summer long project of resurfacing the bypass would be torn up if the parkway was ever built. But then again, is not that the way covernment projects are run? Don’t you build a beautiful new decided boulevard just so you can turn around the next year and dig it up to run new utilities down the middle?

All I can say is let the project die. I have yet to meet someone not in government that really wants a toll road thru Alvin. If you want to improve traffic, finish the bypass. It’s only been waiting about 50 years…

Time to move on…

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