Sunday, August 4

On the front porch on this Sunday morning. The doves are calling quite loudly out here. It’s warm and sticky today.

Time to fire up the floor fan and move some air. It’s not the time of the year to not have some type of air conditioning. Yesterday afternoon  late our ac went on the fritz. After cycling the power a few times we were able to get it cooling again but I’m still going to have to get a repairman out to see what’s up… hopefully it’ll make the day and I can call on Monday.

I’m headed in to enjoy the cool air while it lasts…

2 thoughts on “Sunday, August 4

  1. You’re right that this isn’t the time for the AC to go out — although it makes sense that most of them do choose these summer months, since that’s when they’re working the hardest. I hope you don’t have any problems, and whatever little issue is quickly solved and inexpensive.

    1. Thanks Linda, So far today it’s still working fine. I’ll call our guys out tomorrow and see if they find anything…

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